Rivers and Coastlines
Restoration, Repair, and Resilience at the Water’s Edge
central questions
How do social and environmental relations transform in emergent waterscapes and shifting coastal edges?
Who stands to gain, and who stands to lose, from different forms of explanation and the urban design prescriptions they beget?
“From Invaders to Protectors: on the Moral Ecology of Disappearing Coastlines” with Liz Koslov, forthcoming in Paprocki, Elliot, and Zeiderman, eds. The Social Life of Climate Change (2024)
Building Green: Environmental Architects and the Struggle for Sustainability in Mumbai (2017)
Reigning the River: Urban Ecologies and Political Transformation in Kathmandu (2011)
"When Is Housing an Environmental Problem? Reforming Informality in Kathmandu." Current Anthropology. (2009)