Power, Territory, and the Liveliness of Cities
central questions
How and when are environmental and social change co-produced?
How do different social groups experience and explain environmental change?
“Systems in Flames: Dynamic Coproduction of Social–Ecological Processes.” BioScience. Co-authored with Mary L. Cadenasso and Steward T. A. Pickett (2022)
“Coproduction of place and knowledge for ecology with the city.” Urban Ecology. Co-authored with Mary L. Cadenasso and Steward T. A. Pickett (2021)
“From feedbacks to coproduction: toward an integrated conceptual framework for urban ecosystems.” Urban Ecosystems. Co-authored with Mary L. Cadenasso and Steward T. A. Pickett (2019)
“Toward pluralizing ecology: Finding common ground across sociocultural and scientific perspectives.” Ecosphere. Co-authored with Mary L. Cadenasso and Steward T. A. Pickett (2022)
“Urban Political Ecology.” Annual Review of Anthropology. (2015)
“Housing in the Urban Age: Inequality and Aspiration in Mumbai.” Antipode. Co-authored with Nikhil Anand. (2011)
Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities. Co-authored with K. Sivaramakrishnan. (2021)
Places of Nature in Ecologies of Urbanism. Co-authored with K. Sivaramakrishnan. (2017)
Ecologies of Urbanism in India: Metropolitan Civility and Sustainability. Co-authored with K. Sivaramakrishnan. (2013)
Water Infrastructures in the Thuringian Forest - Zones of Contact and Control, co-taught with Prof. Dorothee Rummel at Bauhaus University, Weimar